The concept of positive health was first introduced by Hippocrates, who based the idea on the interaction of genetics, dieting and exercising. Positive health requires the basic information of a human being’s constitution, i.e. genetics as well as the value of various foods. Who we are and what we eat defines our body. But this alone is not enough for our health. There must be a discipline of daily exercise, the results of which must be well understood before they are performed. We cannot alter our genetic code; that is constant. But we can control what we eat and how we exercise. It is known that “if there is a deficiency in food or exercise, the body will fall sick”. Genetically speaking, Indians are more prone to diabetes and heart-related diseases due to our bad food habits and sedentary lifestyles. This factor places more emphasis on the need to perform daily exercise. Thus, try to follow this concept of positive health and set yourself on a path to a better spiritual, physical and mental health plan.
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