1. Recent study has shown that most women, especially at a young age are trying to consume merely one meal in the day. This practice is not only depriving them of vital nutrition but is also making their body susceptible to various diseases. Your body needs vitamins and energy to fight harmful bacteria and viruses. Thus, try to consume at least 1000-1200 calories per day. Starving doesn’t help you lose only body fat, but muscle mass as well.
2. Try to drink hot beverages like coffee and herbal tea. Both of these beverages naturally increase the ability of your body to burn calories. Tea with herbal properties is highly recommended. Try to limit the consumption of these beverages to two cups per day. Though intake of some products is beneficial, excess consumption of any element, even water is not a wise practice.
3. Buy and keep ample of vegetables and fruits in your home. When the urge to eat arises, try to replace the urge of eating junk food by healthy food such as fruits, dry fruits and vegetables. One can also control the urge or hunger by drinking a glass of water or by simply chewing gum in a strong flavor like peppermint.
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